The buying landscape has changed, and salespeople must change the way they approach it. Today's customers...

  1. Find and screen providers before providers even know there is a need

  2. Expect salespeople to already know about their business, industry, and market

  3. Demand that the salesperson justify the purchase in terms meaningful to the customer

To be successful in this environment, salespeople must become experts in their customers' businesses, function as problem solvers, and think more about the customer's buying process and less about their own sales process.

GrowthSource’s sales solutions are designed to help unleash the sales power of your team. While our approach for every client is unique based on their business and the challenges they face, our solutions fall into 4 categories:

Sales Training

Through GrowthSource’s REAL Sales and other skill-building programs, we help companies increase sales and profitability margins. Our programs range from prospecting to qualifying to negotiations and sales management.

Sales Coaching

Working with a coach is the difference between success and failure in sales. We help companies improve the coaching skills of their sales managers. Through GrowthSource's own coaches, we also help your sales managers build skills and confidence in their salespeople – and stay on target to reach goals.

Sales Assessments

We help you identify how your sales people sell and where they need to improve. Our assessments measure sales priorities and behaviors only, pinpointing the areas that will make the greatest difference in your team’s success.

Sales Consulting

Many factors affect sales performance – your people, your organization, your sales structure, and your sales process. We will assess your organization, find the opportunities to significantly improve sales results, and build you a plan to get there.

Our Sales Development Offerings

Sales Training Sales Coaching Sales Consulting
REAL Sales™ Coaching For Competitive Advantage Custon Consulting and Development
Everything DiSC® Sales SLII® Custom Competency Measurement
High Performance Negotiations Creating Strategic Perspectives™